Solve Least Squares with Equality and Inequality Constraints (LSEI) problem
DClsei(b, A, G, H, scaling = NULL)
Numeric vector containing the right-hand side of the quadratic function to be minimized.
Numeric matrix containing the coefficients of the quadratic function to be minimized.
Numeric matrix containing the coefficients of the inequality constraints.
Numeric vector containing the right-hand side of the inequality constraints.
A vector of scaling factors to by applied to the estimates. Its length should equal the number of columns of A.
A vector containing the solution of the LSEI problem.
The limSolve::lsei()
function is used as underlying framework. Please
refer to that function for more details.
mixture <- dataset_racle$expr_mat
signature.file <- system.file(
"extdata", "TIL10_signature.txt", package = "quantiseqr", mustWork = TRUE)
signature <- read.table(signature.file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)
scaling.file <- system.file(
"extdata", "TIL10_mRNA_scaling.txt", package = "quantiseqr", mustWork = TRUE)
scaling <- as.vector(
as.matrix(read.table(scaling.file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)))
cgenes <- intersect(rownames(signature), rownames(mixture))
b <- as.vector(as.matrix(mixture[cgenes,1, drop=FALSE]))
A <- as.matrix(signature[cgenes,])
G <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(A), nrow = ncol(A))
diag(G) <- 1
G <- rbind(G, rep(-1, ncol(G)))
H <- c(rep(0, ncol(A)), -1)
# cellfrac <- quantiseqr:::DClsei(b = b, A = A, G= G, H = H, scaling = scaling)