Performs linking of the particles by tracking them through the frames
R = 2,
epsilon1 = 0.1,
epsilon2 = 2,
lambda1 = 1,
lambda2 = 1,
penaltyFunction = penaltyFunctionGenerator(),
verboseOutput = FALSE,
prog = FALSE,
include.intensity = TRUE,
include.area = FALSE
A ParticleSet
Maximum number of pixels an object can move in two consecutive frames
Linkrange, i.e. the number of consecutive frames to search for potential candidate links
A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing angular displacements
A numeric value, to be used in the formula. Jitter for allowing spatial displacements
A numeric value. Multiplicative factor for the penalty function
A numeric value. Multiplicative factor applied to the angular displacement
A function structured in such a way to be applied as penalty function in the linking
Logical, whether the output should report additional intermediate steps. For debugging use mainly
Logical, whether the a progress bar should be shown during the tracking phase
Logical, whether to include also intensity change of the particles in the cost function calculation
Logical, whether to include also area change of the particles in the cost function calculation
A LinkedParticleSet
I F Sbalzarini and P Koumoutsakos."Feature point tracking and trajectory analysis for video imaging in cell biology." In: Journal of structural biology 151.2 (Aug. 2005), pp. 182-95. ISSN: 1047-8477. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2005.06.002. URL:
tracked.platelets <- link.particles(candidate.platelets, L= 40)