Writes the images contained in the image
slot of the Frames
object elements.
The images can be exported as single frames, or as a .gif image that is composed
by the single frames.
dir = tempdir(),
nameStub = "testExport",
createGif = FALSE,
removeAfterCreatingGif = TRUE
A Frames
The path of the folder where the image should be written
The stub for the file name, that will be used as a prefix for the exported images
Logical, whether to create or not an animated .gif file
Logical, whether to remove the single exported .png images after creating the single .gif
Image files are written in the desired location
if (FALSE) export.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,nameStub="subset_export_",
createGif=TRUE,removeAfterCreatingGif=FALSE) # \dontrun{}