Extract and plot the expression profile of genes
geneprofiler(se, genelist = NULL, intgroup = "condition", plotZ = FALSE)
A DESeq2::DESeqDataSet()
object, or a
An array of characters, including the names of the genes of interest of which the profile is to be plotted
A factor, needs to be in the colnames
of colData(se)
Logical, whether to plot the scaled expression values. Defaults to
A plot of the expression profile for the genes
dds <- makeExampleDESeqDataSet_multifac(betaSD_condition = 3, betaSD_tissue = 1)
rlt <- DESeq2::rlogTransformation(dds)
geneprofiler(rlt, paste0("gene", sample(1:1000, 20)))
#> You provided 20 unique identifiers
#> 20 out of 20 provided genes were found in the data
geneprofiler(rlt, paste0("gene", sample(1:1000, 20)), plotZ = TRUE)
#> You provided 20 unique identifiers
#> 20 out of 20 provided genes were found in the data