Table S1: Additional File 1

Table S1 contains the comparison of tools for Differential Expression analysis.

The explanations for the assessment criteria are provided below.

Here is the key with the different criteria explained

Criterium Description
tool_name Name of the tool/software
link_source Link to the source code of the software
doi_manuscript Link to the manuscript via doi
heatmaps_clustering_genes Can the software generate heatmaps or clustering of genes?
pca_mds Can the software perform PCA or MDS?
volcano_maplot Can the software generate summary plots like MA plots or volcano plots?
singlegene_plot Can the software create single gene plots?
differential_expression Can the software perform Differential Expression analysis?
pathway_analysis Can the software perform some functional enrichment analysis?
id_conversion Can the software handle the conversion of different identifiers?
complex_models Can the software handle complex models in Differential Expression analysis?
external_apis Does the software link/refer/integrate automatically some external sources of information (e.g. for cross-referencing)
input_formats Can the software handle different types of input?
feat_sample_filtering Can the software perform filtering at the feature and sample level?
tx_level_analysis Can the software perform transcript level analysis?
report_generation Does the software generate some report as product of the analysis?
state_saving Can the software save its state?
support_bioc_formats Does the software handle standard Bioconductor classes and formats?
software_packaged How the software is available/distributed
bioconductor_pkg Is the software available on Bioconductor?
deploy_info Is there sufficient info on how to deploy this tool (in a server-like mode)?
demo_available Is a demo instance available?
batch_effect_correction Can the software perform some type of batch correction on the data?
software_license License (if specified)
software_language Languages used for the implementation
misc_info Some additional comments


The content of this document has been generated based on the code available at the repository

The information in the tables above are extracted from a Google Sheet, available at

The last update to the Sheet (and to this document) has been done on 2020-01-09.

The links included in the table have been validated with awesome_bot (

Contact info

Is some information not completely correct or up to date?
Do you want to insert an additional tool into the table?

Please contact Federico Marini () with a detailed report or suggest the changes in the Google Sheet.