Style DT color bars for values that diverge from 0.

styleColorBar_divergent(data, color_pos, color_neg)



The numeric vector whose range will be used for scaling the table data from 0-100 before being represented as color bars. A vector of length 2 is acceptable here for specifying a range possibly wider or narrower than the range of the table data itself.


The color of the bars for the positive values


The color of the bars for the negative values


This function generates JavaScript and CSS code from the values specified in R, to be used in DT tables formatting.


This function draws background color bars behind table cells in a column, width the width of bars being proportional to the column values and the color dependent on the sign of the value.

A typical usage is for values such as log2FoldChange for tables resulting from differential expression analysis. Still, the functionality of this can be quickly generalized to other cases - see in the examples.

The code of this function is heavily inspired from styleColorBar, and borrows at full hands from an excellent post on StackOverflow -


data(res_de_macrophage, package = "GeneTonic")
res_df <- mosdef::deresult_to_df(res_macrophage_IFNg_vs_naive)
#> Attaching package: ‘magrittr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:GenomicRanges’:
#>     subtract
DT::datatable(res_df[1:50, ],
  options = list(
    pageLength = 25,
    columnDefs = list(
      list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all")
) %>%
  formatRound(columns = c("log2FoldChange"), digits = 3) %>%
    background = styleColorBar_divergent(
      scales::alpha("navyblue", 0.4),
      scales::alpha("darkred", 0.4)
    backgroundSize = "100% 90%",
    backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat",
    backgroundPosition = "center"
#> Warning: Please use `mosdef::styleColorBar_divergent()` in replacement of the `styleColorBar_divergent()` function, originally located in the GeneTonic package. 
#> Check the manual page for `?mosdef::styleColorBar_divergent()` to see the details on how to use it
simplest_df <- data.frame( a = c(rep("a", 9)), value = c(-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ) # or with a very simple data frame DT::datatable(simplest_df) %>% formatStyle( "value", background = styleColorBar_divergent( simplest_df$value, scales::alpha("forestgreen", 0.4), scales::alpha("gold", 0.4) ), backgroundSize = "100% 90%", backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat", backgroundPosition = "center" ) #> Warning: Please use `mosdef::styleColorBar_divergent()` in replacement of the `styleColorBar_divergent()` function, originally located in the GeneTonic package. #> Check the manual page for `?mosdef::styleColorBar_divergent()` to see the details on how to use it