Assembles information, in HTML format, regarding a gene symbol identifier

geneinfo_2_html(gene_id, res_de = NULL)



Character specifying the gene identifier for which to retrieve information


A DESeqResults object, storing the result of the differential expression analysis. If not provided, the experiment-related information is not shown, and only some generic info on the identifier is displayed. The information about the gene is retrieved by matching on the SYMBOL column, which should be provided in res_de.


HTML content related to a gene identifier, to be displayed in web applications (or inserted in Rmd documents)


Creates links to the NCBI and the GeneCards databases


#> <b>ACTB</b><br/>Link to the NCBI Gene database: <a href = "[sym]" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC">ACTB</a><br/>Link to the GeneCards database: <a href = "" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC">ACTB</a><br/>Link to the GTEx Portal: <a href = "" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC"><i class="fa fa-dna"></i>ACTB</a><br/>
#> <b>Pf4</b><br/>Link to the NCBI Gene database: <a href = "[sym]" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC">Pf4</a><br/>Link to the GeneCards database: <a href = "" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC">Pf4</a><br/>Link to the GTEx Portal: <a href = "" target = "_blank" class = "btn btn-primary" style = "color: #ffffff; background-color: #0092AC"><i class="fa fa-dna"></i>Pf4</a><br/>